Sunday, March 29, 2009

Childish Speech

I CORINTHIANS 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

The other night at dinner our family had this joy of a conversation:

Immediately after my giving the blessing Gracelyn turned to her mother and said, "Momma, Moriah was peeking!" To which Mother wisely replied, "How did you know that, Gracelyn, unless you had your eyes open too?" Without missing a beat, Gracelyn returned, "I didn't have my eyes open! God let me know she had her eyes open!" Mother then said, "I'm glad you have such a connection with God!" At this point Moriah was getting a bit worried thinking Mother was serious and interjected, "If that's true, then God's a tattle-tale!" Of course, Mother and Father got quite a snicker from this. 

This little conversation highlights a principle of Christian growth that can be quite easy to forget: a Believer is responsible for speaking maturely. Proverbs 15:23 tells us how good a word is which is spoken in due season, that it is a joyful thing. All of us have had hurtful things said to us before, and if you're honest, you'll admit that you've said your share of hurtful things as well. 

Paul tells us, it's time to quit speaking like children, it's time to speak as mature adults. It's time to speak wisely, to be careful of our words. Did you know that your words can be "health to the bones?" That's right, your words can impart health to the sick and infirm! Proverbs 16:24 tells us, "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." 

Won't you make this your prayer today? Almighty God, Author of Life, Giver of every good gift, help me to become an energy giver, to be a life giver.  Help me to carefully consider my words and the impact that they can have on others. Teach me Lord, the value of my words. Speak through my lips Lord Jesus, and love through me. Live Your Life in me and through me.

In Thy Mouth Pt 2

ROMANS 10: 8    But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, [even] in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

We can find a parallel set of Scriptures, which can give us a better understanding of what Paul is trying to convey to us, in Deuteronomy 30:11 - 16. Here we find God telling Israel that word is "in your mouth and in your mind and in your heart, so that you can do it (amp)." The point that He is conveying to Israel, and that Paul is trying to convey to us, is that God's Word is not some unobtainable mystery only understood by great theologians. Rather God's Word is given to the common man, that we all have free access to His Word. 

Paul also conveys here that God's Word is our life's blood. God's Word isn't something our children should hear once a week on Sunday from the preacher, but rather It should become familiar in our homes. James 4:8 tells us that if we draw nigh to God, that He will draw nigh unto us. 

So let's establish a life goal today, to draw nigh unto God. You may be wondering, how do I do that? It's simple really, just begin to talk about Him. Talk about how He has blessed you. How He has blessed your children? How many times has He healed you? What secrets about His nature has He revealed to you? Has He shown you mercy? Compassion? Kindness? What has He taught you? Where has He brought you from? Tell a friend. Tell a neighbor. Tell your wife and your children. Look in the mirror and tell yourself. Talk to Him while your at it. The more you talk about Him and to Him, the more you'll fall in love with Him.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In Thy Mouth Part 1

ROMANS 10: 8    But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, [even] in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

This portion of Scripture goes on to tell the Believer in verse 10 that “with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.” That doesn’t just mean the salvation of your soul. In the Greek, the word used for salvation, soteria, also means deliverance, preservation, and safety! It can also be translated as health. So, to the Believer, the promise is that by your verbal confession you can obtain safety and deliverance from the enemy, preservation of your children, and healing when sick, just to name a few.

But the key is, that the Believer must orally confess the Word of faith! That is, the Believer trusts that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and you believe that He is the High Priest sitting at the right hand of the Father to make intercession upon your confession. Listen friend, you believe upon Him for the eternal salvation of your soul, don’t you? Why not believe upon Him for your healing? Why not believe upon Him for the salvation of wayward children? Why not confess the Word that He has given you?

He is the I AM. He never changes. If He was ever a healer, then He still is today. If He was ever a seeker of the lost, then He still is today. If He ever made a promise to the Believer, then that promise stands firm today.  Speak it back to Him, and allow Him to act on what He has promised. Put the Word of Faith into action.

reference Romans 10:8 - 10

Friday, March 27, 2009

Speak to Your Storm

Matthew 8:27 "But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!"

Imagine the fear the Disciples must have felt as their little fishing boat was tossed to and fro in the midst of that storm. Even that great fisherman, Peter, was probably a bit nervous. They must have battled the waves and the winds on their own for quite a while. Only when the storm seemed about to overwhelm them did they consider to wake up Jesus.
I wonder, what did the disciples expect Jesus to do, when they asked Him, "Lord, save us!" Did they expect this man of God to earnestly pray for their deliverance? Did they expect Him to be wide eyed in terror at the overwhelming circumstances? I bet they didn't expect what came next. Jesus rebuked their fear and their lack of faith... while the storm was still raging! Then He turned His face into the storm and rebuked it too! "Peace, be still."

What storms are raging in your life today? Are you anxious about your job? Is your family life a mess? Do you feel like the waves are tossing you about and you're about to sink? Jesus of Nazareth isn't here today to speak to the storms in your life. But, if you've given your heart to Him, then He has sent the Comforter to live inside you and to guide you. You are a part of the mystical Body of Christ. It's time for YOU to speak to YOUR storm. Put His Words on YOUR lips. "Peace, be still." You may not need to literally calm a stormy sea, but you will calm the storm raging in your spirit.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Speak and Go Forward

Exodus 14: 15 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward"

In this familiar passage in Exodus we find Moses and Israel surrounded by impossible circumstances. Facing certain destruction at the hands of a wrathful Pharoh, it must have been quite natural to cry out to God for help. Moses surely could not have anticipated Jehovah God's quick rebuke and command, Speak and Go Forward. 

God rebuked His Prophet because Moses forgot what authority God had invested him with. It was time for God to "take the training wheels off" and allow Moses to act in accordance with what God had tasked him to do, to be the Deliverer. God wanted Moses take action based on faith in Gods commands.

In a time of trouble, it's easy to forget who we are. It's so easy to become anxious as we see the calamities that are befalling us. But God has told you that He loves you. He has promised to never leave you, nor forsake you. But He has a part for you to play, a part that requires faith based action. It's time for you to Speak, and Go Forward.

Why Cry Speak preached on July 14, 1963 by William Branham.
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