Thursday, March 26, 2009

Speak and Go Forward

Exodus 14: 15 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward"

In this familiar passage in Exodus we find Moses and Israel surrounded by impossible circumstances. Facing certain destruction at the hands of a wrathful Pharoh, it must have been quite natural to cry out to God for help. Moses surely could not have anticipated Jehovah God's quick rebuke and command, Speak and Go Forward. 

God rebuked His Prophet because Moses forgot what authority God had invested him with. It was time for God to "take the training wheels off" and allow Moses to act in accordance with what God had tasked him to do, to be the Deliverer. God wanted Moses take action based on faith in Gods commands.

In a time of trouble, it's easy to forget who we are. It's so easy to become anxious as we see the calamities that are befalling us. But God has told you that He loves you. He has promised to never leave you, nor forsake you. But He has a part for you to play, a part that requires faith based action. It's time for you to Speak, and Go Forward.

Why Cry Speak preached on July 14, 1963 by William Branham.

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