Friday, March 27, 2009

Speak to Your Storm

Matthew 8:27 "But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!"

Imagine the fear the Disciples must have felt as their little fishing boat was tossed to and fro in the midst of that storm. Even that great fisherman, Peter, was probably a bit nervous. They must have battled the waves and the winds on their own for quite a while. Only when the storm seemed about to overwhelm them did they consider to wake up Jesus.
I wonder, what did the disciples expect Jesus to do, when they asked Him, "Lord, save us!" Did they expect this man of God to earnestly pray for their deliverance? Did they expect Him to be wide eyed in terror at the overwhelming circumstances? I bet they didn't expect what came next. Jesus rebuked their fear and their lack of faith... while the storm was still raging! Then He turned His face into the storm and rebuked it too! "Peace, be still."

What storms are raging in your life today? Are you anxious about your job? Is your family life a mess? Do you feel like the waves are tossing you about and you're about to sink? Jesus of Nazareth isn't here today to speak to the storms in your life. But, if you've given your heart to Him, then He has sent the Comforter to live inside you and to guide you. You are a part of the mystical Body of Christ. It's time for YOU to speak to YOUR storm. Put His Words on YOUR lips. "Peace, be still." You may not need to literally calm a stormy sea, but you will calm the storm raging in your spirit.


  1. Hey Honey
    Just wanted say I have enjoyed reading what you've put on here so far. I have always liked the way you word your thoughts and it's great to read what you have been meditating on. I'll be back! =)


  2. Thanks honey, you're so sweet.

  3. Bro. John, I just learned about this blog this afternoon and once again the world's argument for having not known what God has done and is still doing among His people is losing its grip.
    This has reminded me again what the God of Moses can still do. May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you and use this gift at its fullness.

    Bro. Emmanuel.

  4. Thanks for the kind words Brother Emmanuel.


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