Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Heart to Mouth Connection Part 1

LUKE 6:45  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

You can't judge a book by its cover, and you can't judge a person just by looking at them. Sometimes, people can surprise you. The one sure way to know a persons heart is to listen to them for a while. It is an inevitable truth, that a person will speak what's inside their heart. You don't have to listen very hard to hear a person speak their mind. I've heard plenty of people have their say and speak their piece, (and people tend to speak their mind without using it much) but you have to listen closely to hear someone speak their heart.  

What I want you to discover here is what I call the "Heart to Mouth Connection." This connection is vital to relationships of every scale, from friendships to marriages. This connection is a Kingdom Principle found throughout the Bible. I'd like to take at least the two next posts to express my thoughts on how this connection can enhance your relationships.  But I'd like to leave you with these parting thoughts: 

You can say the right things, but if you do not believe it, that makes it a lie.
You can say "I love you," but if you don't mean it, it's just empty words.
You can speak the "mechanics" but without faith, you'll never see the dynamics.
You can say, "I'm sorry," but without true contrition, it's insult on top of injury.

p.s. A caveat so I don't leave you too confused before I cover it in the next post: Yes, sometimes we have to say things when we don't really mean it, when we don't really want to say them.  

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