Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Heart to Mouth Connection Part: 3

LUKE 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

Continuing the thought that the Heart to Mouth Connection is a Kingdom Principle: Jesus said in John 7:38 that "He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." If you are consistently feeding on the Word of God, then that will show in how you talk. Notice this now, it's not that you're going to be preaching the Word of God like an Evangelist, but that you will be an energy giver, a life giver. That you will be uplifting and encouraging to others. That is the beauty of the Heart to Mouth Connection!

So how does this apply to relationships? Well, in a lot of ways to be sure. Proverbs 18:24 tells us that there is a friend that sticks to you closer than a brother. A true friend genuinely cares for you without reservation. When you're sad, a friend can cheer you up. When you're heading down the wrong path, a friend will hasten to straighten you out. Friends can listen to what your lips speak, and hear what your heart has to say.

The Heart to Mouth Connection is always on, just like the lights at Motel 6. You can't turn it off. Some times you may not feel like telling your spouse that you love them, but you have to say it anyway (deep down you know you do anyhow, so you may as well say it!). So how do you switch out the evil treasure for good? By feeding on uplifting, encouraging things! You will notice that you will become more buoyant, more alive, and filled with a zest for life. Soon you will find that other people are calling you just to chat about life. People will seek you out in the crowd at Church. And if you'll continue to feed on good things, the river of living water will just keep flowing.

Parting thought: Now here's a thought for you to ponder when it seems like your marriage is on a rocky path: you love your spouse, right? When asked if she'd ever contemplated divorce, Billy Grahams wife said, "Divorce? No. Murder? Yes." We love our spouses no matter what. Even when we're hurt and devastated by things that they've said or done. Deep down, that love is still there. That is when you have to listen carefully to what your spouses heart is saying. I'm guessing if you will truely listen with all your heart you'll hear them saying "I'm lonely; I need you; I want to know you care; I want to know you love me"

"Now, the Bible, you can't just take the Bible just like you was reading a newspaper. The Bible is a love letter. Did you know that? The Bible says the--that He's hid these things from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and reveal them to babes such as will learn. Is that right?
Now here, when I go overseas, my wife will write me a letter, and she'll say, "Dear Billy, I'm with... here... I just put the children to bed..." and she'll write me a letter. Now, I can read what she says there. Yeah, anybody could read that. But you know, I love her so much, I can read between the lines. I know what she's saying in between the lines. Well, that's the way God does His Bible." Workings of the Holy Spirit William Branham August 16, 1956


  1. Good thought provoking subject, hon. Contemplating your topic, I thought how ,often times, we are too quick to inject our own reasoning & judgment instead of pausing to truly listen to what a persons heart is really conveying. As always, I like reading your ponderings. =)


  2. Wow! I asked for a post and got three!! Guess it pays to be careful what you ask for! lol ;) Thanks John, good thoughts!!

  3. Thank you Laura, I always appreciate your feedback and encouragement.

    Sarah, thanks for your kind words. I just want to be a blessing.


I reserve the right to edit comments for brevity, clarity, and content.

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